What is the Alexander Technique?
The Alexander Technique is an educational method used worldwide for over 100 years. It is a way to notice your movement habits, release compression and move with ease and expansion. A proven self-care method, it is a set of skills that you learn to relieve pain, prevent injury, carry yourself better, and enhance performance.
People study the Technique for a variety of reasons. The most common is to relieve pain through learning better coordination of the musculoskeletal system.

What To Expect in an Alexander Lesson
The Alexander Technique is an intelligent way to resolve various movement, postural, and injury-related issues to alleviate chronic pain and stress. Most of us have unconscious patterns of tension which, during Alexander lessons, can be brought to light and changed. This enables the possibility of new choices in posture, movement and reaction, resulting in greater ease and well-being.

45-minute private lesson

Typically scheduled once a week

Practice daily movements in a new way

Develop better body consciousness

Helping you to age gracefully

Deal with Zoom fatigue and other work from home challenges
“Before beginning my Alexander work, I had poor posture and experienced frequent discomfort. I now stand noticeably taller and move about my day with more ease and comfort.”
Meet Mara
I had chronic lower back pain as a teenager, due to scoliosis. After months of weekly sessions with a chiropractor, I asked him how long I'd have to keep going to him. "With your back?" he said, "The rest of your life!"
Even at that age, the thought of being dependent on someone forever did not sit right. Shortly thereafter I was introduced to the Alexander Technique. I was taught to think and move differently, and my back pain became a thing of the past. I'm happy to pass on the skills I learned to empower others with this long-standing method of self-care.